1st weekend in Dec Game Details!, News, Tyke Black, 2012-2013 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 03, 2012 | cgratton | 726 views
1st weekend in Dec Game Details!

It was an action packed 2 days for Strathroy Tyke Black as they won back to back games in their first 2 games of the regular season.

Saturday’s game against the Mt Brydges Cougars’ Red saw 2 goals scored in the first few minutes of play, which set the mood for the rest of the game.   With Nolan in net, strong defensive play, and forwards hungry for the puck, Strathroy Tyke Black won 7-2.  Strathroy goals were scored by Josh G, Carson, Brennan and Carter .   The “Hard Hat” award went to KEEGAN for skating hard and for playing his position so well.

Sunday’s game at home against Mt Brydges Cougars’ Blue started off well…until Keegan had the spectators on the edge of their seats when he couldn’t pick it up his stick through the goalie gloves!!  Not to worry though, he still secured the first shut out of the year with Strathroy Tyke Black winning 6-0!!!  Goals scored: Carter, Logan and Ryan.  The “Hard Hat” award went to LOGAN for scoring his first goal of the year and skating hard all game.

Upcoming events:

Friday December 07 – PRACTICE – 5pm

Saturday December 08 – GAME – 9:15am at Mt Brydges Cougars’ Gold (Middlesex Centre)

Sunday December 09 – GAME – 3pm at East Lambton Eagles White (Alvinston)


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