Tyke Black Game Recaps, News, Tyke Black, 2012-2013 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 21, 2013 | cgratton | 761 views
Tyke Black Game Recaps
Here are our recaps for Feb 9th-10th and Feb 16th-17th.

February 9 and 10:

Despite a solid team effort on Saturday and Sunday Tyke Black came up short in both games.  Saturday’s game in Point Edward was a hard fought affair with the play fast paced back and forth.  Despite a solid goaltending performance by Brennon, we couldn't beat their goalie and finished the game losing 6-1 (goal scored by Josh).  The hard hat went to Brennon for his play in net. Sunday’s game at home against Point Edward was even closer, and despite this being the team’s best played game of the year, we came up short with a 2-0 defeat.  Solid play in net by Carter kept the game close and despite several opportunities in their end we couldn't get one past their goalie.  Carter took the hard hat for his solid play in net.  

February 16  and 17:

Saturday’s game against Mt.Brydges White was a tiring event for Tyke Black!!  With Keagen in net, and only 7 skaters, everyone got their share of ice time!!!  The game ended in a 6-6 tie, and Tyke Black pushed hard to keep the Cougars  out of our end and the scoring even.  Goal scorers were Josh, Brit, Carter, and Ryan.  Sunday’s game at home was a disappointing loss (10-1) against the East Lambton Eagles Black (goal scored by Josh).  Tyke Black rallied towards the end of the game, but couldn’t overcome the Eagles.


Tyke Black plays this Sunday in Alvinston at 3pm...this is our chance to get back on a winning streak before the Wainfleet tournament... Go Rockets Go!!!

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