Bantam LL Blue Off to a Good Start, News, Bantam LL Blue, 2013-2014 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 07, 2013 | gbarker | 543 views
Bantam LL Blue Off to a Good Start
On Sunday, October 6th, our Bantam LL Blue team took to the ice in their home opener against Mount Brydges. While our team took a few minutes to get their bearings, allowing a goal by Brydges mid-way through the first period, they rallied and came together, demonstrating a fierce determination to hold their own.

In the second period, fabulous teamwork, excellent skating and solid stick-handling resulted in two goals being put past the Mt. Brydges goalie. Both of our goals were scored by Jacob B, assisted by Griffin S. and Danny P. on the first goal, and by Griffin S. and Duncan M. on the second. With Brydges also scoring a goal in the 2nd period, this meant that the game went into the third period tied at 2 goals apiece.

In both the 2nd and 3rd periods, numerous penalties were called; 6 out of Mt. Brydges 9 penalties were served in this time frame. In spite of this, our boys seemed determined to play hockey and not get "hooked" -- literally or figuratively. Although our team took one penalty early in the 2nd, overall the boys stayed calm, and played a good game both defensively and offensively.

The third period saw both teams score another goal apiece, resulting in a tied game when all was said and done. Our third goal was scored by Brennan L., assisted by Lucas T. and  Tyler S.

Kudos to goalie Ben F. -- some spectacular saves were made which were awesome to watch!

Our next game will be an away match, on Saturday, October 12th, 6 p.m., against East Lambton. Come on out and show your support; go Bantam Blue!
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