Nov 30th & Dec 1st Weekend Wrap up, News, Novice LL White, 2013-2014 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 03, 2013 | cgratton | 751 views
Nov 30th & Dec 1st Weekend Wrap up
Weekend Wrap up!

It was a winless weekend for Novice White after a disappointing loss to both Point Edward and Strathroy Blue Saturday and Sunday. 

There were some weekend highlights though including: great passing, strong skating, teamwork from all the boys, and a fun after game dinner on Saturday! 

Brennan saw a lot of play in the 2 games and had some great stops/blocks.

Nolan, Keegan, Max, Trevor and Tucker worked hard on defense both games trying to keep the puck out of our end and away from the net.

Both Nial and Logan were so close to getting their first goals of the season, and Ryan kept the energy up every shift.

Tyson scored 2 goals and Tucker went coast to coast for a goal on Saturday! Sunday's game Tyson put one in and Carter scored a birthday goal as well!  Hard hat went to Josh Saturday for pushing hard all game.


This week’s schedule:

Tuesday Dec 03 – PRACTICE 6:15pm (please have boys dressed 10 minutes before)

Saturday Dec 07 – away GAME 12pm, Watford

Sunday Dec 08 – home GAME 3pm, Strathroy

** gate McQuinn family

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