Weekend Results - Its a Silver lining..., News, Atom Rep, 2012-2013 (Strathroy Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 11, 2012 | shaight | 1052 views
Weekend Results - Its a Silver lining...
The Strathroy Atom Rep Jr Rockets took to the ice in Mooretown this past weekend for their second tournament of the 2012-13 season.  After having earned a bronze medal in their home tourney the weekend prior the kids were determined to improve their showing & set out to accomplish even more...

The 'team' started off Thursday night with a 3-2 win over Ilderton.  It was an exciting game & a very solid showing for both sides. The Ilderton keeper was impressive - a preview of what was potential to come...

Strathroy squared off with Collingwood in game two putting together a solid 'team effort' performance resulting in a 7-1 victory.  Their team play (positions, passing & playing with purpose) was impressive and a pleasure to watch for all in attendance.

Game 3 - Sunday morning semi final proved to be more of the same.  The Jr Rockets improved upon their previous efforts & dominated their opponents in all areas of the ice skating to a commanding 5-2 win over Niagara on the Lake.  The Jr Rockets were building momentum, improving their play & achieving success because of their drive, commitment and determination.  They had rightfully earned the opportunity to play in the afternoon finals.

The downtime between games was filled with some families making a trip to the US crossing the St Clair River for the 1st time on the Sombra Ferry while others partook in a spur of the moment tour of the local OPP detachment (Corunna site) followed by joining Canada's war veterans at a memorable Remembrance Day Service on what was a beautiful, warm November day.

The gold medal game against Ilderton proved to be a frustrating venture for Strathroy.  The players were excited, eager to play & started strong however quickly fell behind to an early 1-0 Ilderton lead.  The game went back and forth with scoring opportunities at both ends however the Jr Rockets were unable to mount any sort of sustainable pressure to break down the solid goal tending of the Ilderton keeper - he played a fantastic game! We showed glimpses of promise however came up short in the end losing the game 2-0. 

Although the weekend didn't result in "winning a gold" it did provide opportunity for a great deal of valuable life lessons to be learned at & away from the rink.  In the silver lining are the positive comments from the opposing team's coaches & parents alike that are a testament to these young players & how they continue to develop as a team.  All of these players should be proud of themselves in what they've achieved, learned & how they've conducted themselves thus far.  We will use this opportunity to learn, grow & push forward!!!

We're very proud of all of you - well done!!!
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